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Aquaculture Farmers



Increased aquaculture productivity, improved market systems, and promoted nutrition-related behaviors, prioritizing women and youth engagement for 384,570 beneficiaries in four divisions of Bangladesh.

Eastern Bengal
Chattogram Division
Central Bengal
Dhaka Division
Southern Bengal
Barisal Division
Khulna Division
Coxsbazar District
Bandarban District
Jashore District
Satkhira District
Meherpur District
Narail District
Chuadanga District
Kushtia District
Magura District
Khulna District
Bagerhat District
Jhalakathi District
Patuakhali District
Pirojpur District
Barishal District
Bhola District
Barguna District
Shariatpur District
Rajbari District
Madaripur District
palganj District


The project is applying a combination of market system development and supporting direct delivery approaches in its interventions through engaging the private sector, public sector and N partners to reach smallholder farmers and relevant market actors at 21 south-western districts and 2 south-eastern districts of Bangladesh. The interventions put emphasis on cross fertilizing knowledge, and sharing expertise so that the skills of the actors are developed, facilitating sustainable growth in the market


The project has reached 384,570 people including 11.80% women and 12.81% youth. The Activity partnered 5 financial institutions and 4,737 farmers (3,993 women, 1311 youth) received USD 1.94 million as loan which helped them to buy aquaculture inputs. The Activity leveraged USD 3.54 million of which USG committed amount is USD 1.39 million that leveraged private sectors to invest USD 2.15 million. As a whole, the leveraged investment by the project and its partners generated total sales of USD 19.62 million. It created access to 31,323 tons fish feed through service points. Besides, 7,567 kg hatchlings and 216 million tilapia fries were produced worth of USD 2.56 million and sold to the 2,74,262 carp and 9,952 tilapia farmers. As a result of Activity interventions farmers applied improved management practices in total 89,497 ha area and produced 3,736 kg/ha carp and 6,525 kg/ha tilapia. The farmers earned USD 440 million from their sales of fish in FY2022.

Key Indicators

VariableKey IndicatorUnitBeforeAfterChange
Aquaculture Farmers
Number of farmers 0318657+318657
Increased Production
Yield (Kg/HA) 26293736+1107
Access to Finance
Number of recipients 04737+4737
Access to Finance
Size of loan (USD) 01946800+1946800
Annual Sales of Fish Producers
US Dollars 3922412440214541+436292129

Project description

The Feed the Future Bangladesh Aquaculture and Nutrition Activity aims to improve the sustainable livelihoods of at least 400,000 beneficiaries including fish farmers and other aquaculture market actors by applying a market systems approach. The project is focused on market resilience, promotion of women and youth focused initiatives, access to affordable finance, the promotion of e-commerce and e-information platforms, and the further use of local service providers (LSPs) to foster greater impact and long-term sustainability.



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